Friday, April 30, 2010

Woomi Paints!

Lately, Woomi has been developing his artistic side. Instead of dribbling a basketball, he's been dribbling paint!  He even dressed the part, though artists rarely wear berets and curly moustaches anymore:

Woomi named his painting: "A Study in Burning: No. 2,  2010", which sounds kinda pretentious to me, but it's up to him. I'm just thrilled my crocheted waffles might have inspired him!

A Study in Burning: No. 2,  2010

It's surprising to discover artsy sides to our alter egos, isn't it?

Bravo for finding new ways to express yourself, Woomi!


  1. I love Woomi's tiny beret, very cute :)

  2. Woomi has a very jaunty beret, to be certain! 'Ee iz French, oui?

  3. I am in love with Woomi! (Cant resist moustaches and orange berets. hehe)

  4. Woomi's a very stylish artist, with his beret matching his tie and his hair.

  5. That mustache is super cool - awesome artwork Woomi!!!

  6. I like how he painted the black smoke as well. Genius!

  7. Jessica: hehe Yes, Woomi fancies himself to be a snappy dresser. I didn't know berets could be worn at such a rakish angle!

    KelleBelle: I asked Woomi if he was going for a French look or for a Dali look, but he scoffed and replied: "A true painter doesn't explain himself himself through words. Only through paint." Geez, eh?

    Strickbombe: hehe Yes, at least it's only painted smoke. I wouldn't trust Woomi around real fire. Inferno!

    manchurina: I'm not going to tell Woomi about your passionate love for his mustachioed/bereted self because he'll become impossible to live with :D

    Ascasewwen: hehe Yes, Woomi and I are different in many ways but we share a preference for the colour orange. He wears it with more flare than I do though!

    JelliDonut: Wow, I didn't know curly moustaches ware so enticing! I'm going to buy stock in moustache wax next week! :)

    PaisleyJade: Woomi is happy that you like his first painting! He planned to post it on ebay for thousands, but I persuaded him to increase its worth by keeping it for a few more years haha

    woolhug: I like the painted black smoke too! I'm also surprised Woomi was able to avoid getting black paint on his shirt! It's probably on his pants.

  8. (sniff) Well, I for one find this Woomi's work DERIVATIVE, lacking in ORIGINALITY . . . though the (cough) MASSES will probably find his "work" a Postmodern commentary on the nature of the OTHER, the alter-self, the utter lack of new ideas in these DEGENERATE post-post-modern times . . . also, I don't like BLUE. Sincerely, I.M. Portant, Art Critic to the Stars

  9. I.M. Portant: Thank you for your expert art criticism. Thought I'd give you a heads-up: Woomi left me a note saying he was taking a bus to your place, and that he's gonna dump BLUE paint on your house/car. Please take preventative measures! Woomi the Painter has a fierce temper!

    haha Thanks Jen! ;)

  10. This is Woomi. Dear I.M. Portant: From here on in, you will better appreciate the colour blue. Here is a photo of your freshly-painted house. You're welcome.

  11. I dig your beret and mustache, Woomie! Let's paint together!!

  12. Happy Monday! Thanks to you & your alter ego for making me laugh! And no, I don't think Woomi is pretentious at all!!He's FABULOUS:)

  13. Woomi,

    This new house color is FANTASTIC! You, sir, have effectively RE-INVENTED blue! Your best work to date! Unfortunately, the bank foreclosed on my property last week and the house is no longer mine. Whoopsie!

    I.M. Portant, Art Critic to the Stars, Currently Residing in a Minivan

  14. Woomi seems to be taking his artistic persona *tres serieux*!

  15. TADA's Revolution: Woomi here. I would very much like to paint with you, my fellow artist. I shall fax you a list of my requirements for my studio-trailer (ie: fresh orange juice, vase of Orange Nassau tulips, peanut-butter cups, etc.) Thank you.

    Miss Julep. Woomi here. Thank you for recognizing my fabulousness. I tip my beret to you.

    I.M. Portant: Woomi here. CURSES!

    KelleBelle: Woomi here. Oui oui, we artists are très sérieux et très passionné!

  16. I think Woomi has been peeking in my windows at breakfast time. That looks like my toaster! ;-)

  17. Serendipity Handmade: I hope to be a guest at your breakfast table someday, especially to see the fiery spectacle :D I'll bring the maple syrup and fire extinguisher!


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